Calvary Men is here to help you discover your strengths as a husband, father, son, businessman, and leader.

Fight the good fight of faith

We are glad you’re here. We hope you take the time to step out of your comfort zone and meet someone new today, we are better together!

This is a time of belonging, encouragement, hope, and prayer.

Calvary Events
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About Calvary Men

Fellowship is the best way to build community and foster spiritual growth at Calvary Church. Through our fellowship groups, you can connect with others as you grow in your relationship with Christ. We want to empower you to impact your workplace, communities—and most importantly—your families for the Kingdom of God.

You are invited

Open to all men 12 years old and up. Whether you’re a college student, a new husband, a single parent, or enjoying the prime of your life, there’s a place for you.


We recognize that every man has an innate desire to be a part of something bigger than himself. We accomplish this through Men’s Groups, Men’s Breakfasts, annual Men’s Conference, and other special events.